Saturday, January 03, 2009
sorry for the late post, but wishing everyone a happy new year! the past weeks has really been busy, so i didnt really had time to post anything. anyway, this is probably going to be the last post of this blog. this blog has been kinda dead anyway lol. also, i just got facebook, so i dont really need this anymore. facebook's actually quite cool lol. looks like i have missing out. anyways, have a great 2009!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
great week
for a quiet guy like me, this was one busy week. but it was great fun.
monday: cycling at ecp
tuesday: movie with friends
wednesday: church gathering and bbq
thursday: street soccer and movie again
friday: free
saturday: hockey match with seniors
... too bad hols are drawing quickly to a close. not much time left for other activities. but looking forward to next week anyway.
monday: cycling at ecp
tuesday: movie with friends
wednesday: church gathering and bbq
thursday: street soccer and movie again
friday: free
saturday: hockey match with seniors
... too bad hols are drawing quickly to a close. not much time left for other activities. but looking forward to next week anyway.
Monday, December 22, 2008
cycling madness
today, a group of us met up to cycle at ecp. my sisters and I met up with kenneth to cycle all the way there. i thought it was quite a good experience, but it was plenty tiring. we only did a little cycling at ecp itself, because it started raining. ate at carl's junior for the first time. then cycled back. oh man, the return journey was the killer. next time, im insisting on cycling at pasir ris park.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Youth Outreach
On 13th December, Saturday, there will also be a youth outreach. this is an opportunity for you to learn more about God and his plan of salvation. the two speakers are youths from our congregation. the theme is Challenges that youth face today. so pls join as at the Lim Ah Pin church building on saturday afternoon for an enriching experience.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
school's really out
alright bryan, i've finally updated. happy? haha. so this was really the last week of going back to school for whatever reason.... pw rehearsals, pw meetings, more rehearsals... next tuesday will be the real oral presentaion. Then im totally free. not that im not free already lol. been dotaing at home, listening to westlife (i've been addicted recently), finished reading 'Brisingr', blah blah. wanted to grab some attachments for hols, but im not even sure what i wanna do. anyway i finally chose to do H3 chem next year. heard it was difficult. so... chiong ar! =P
hope to be able to play contact sports again soon -_- jogging by myself isn't very fun. even though i managed to drag myself to do it 3 times this week. and even managed to complete 2 rounds around the park without stopping today. and erm, if you were wondering, i meant pasir ris town park, not the big one haha. (im not bad, but not that good!) anyway we also just got a new hockey coach. the old one wants to concentrate on his studies :S (the first malay i know whos a real mugger...) he's a singh, and coached SA i think. looks like a nice guy. but im not about to return to training yet. so yea.. before signing off, wishing all the best for all those still taking exams, esp A levels next week. jiayou!
hope to be able to play contact sports again soon -_- jogging by myself isn't very fun. even though i managed to drag myself to do it 3 times this week. and even managed to complete 2 rounds around the park without stopping today. and erm, if you were wondering, i meant pasir ris town park, not the big one haha. (im not bad, but not that good!) anyway we also just got a new hockey coach. the old one wants to concentrate on his studies :S (the first malay i know whos a real mugger...) he's a singh, and coached SA i think. looks like a nice guy. but im not about to return to training yet. so yea.. before signing off, wishing all the best for all those still taking exams, esp A levels next week. jiayou!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
today was the first sunday in the newly renovated building. still have a few stuff not completed, but otherwise everything's good. not my first time seeing the building anyway lol... i've been going down last week to help out. sian ended up coming home after worship service... think not enough people for LAN. need to think up of something else we can do after worship service.
sighs this week will be more busy than last week... with all the OP rehearsals for pw coming up. but looking forward to getting hold of 'Brisingr' from Ryan. at last something to read.
sighs this week will be more busy than last week... with all the OP rehearsals for pw coming up. but looking forward to getting hold of 'Brisingr' from Ryan. at last something to read.
Monday, October 13, 2008
school's out
i have no more official school. now lessons are for students taking A level mother tongue. preparation for pw is quite lax too, depends on your group. my group went to coffee bean in parkway today to touch up our written report. then i whisked off to the church building to help out. still loads of stuff to do. but lack of manpower! will be going down tomorrow morning before my check-up in the afternoon. at least the work keeps me occupied, now that i have no more official school haha. looking forward to getting hold of Brisngr, the third book of the eragon series. havent done reading for some time.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
got back most of my results. yea, did much better than i actually anticipated. i really thought the chem and physics paper were difficult. but results didnt seem to show haha. anyway, teachers are actually going to continue lessons for the rest of this week! im like still in post-promo mode... dont think any absorption will be useful. then next 3 weeks will be purely spent on pw... another waste of time.. ah well.. gotta find some find stuff to do. im already getting a bit tired of the computer.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
post promos
i finally got the opportunity to attend soccer practice with my fellow christians today. haven't got a touch of the ball for the past 5 months, so it was great. but realized my fitness was down the drain... i actually got tired chasing Isaac for the ball at the start of training! (haha no offence there) looking forward to a good week ahead. supposed to have soccer with my ex-classmates on tuesday morning. think the church guys are planning a stayover on tuesday night, then soccer on wednesday. sounds good. i shouldn't forget about pw too. written report is due soon, and gotta prepare for oral presentation. need to find something to do on monday and thursday. only friday isn't free. (sighs) theres farewell assembly for JC2s. im not even sure what will be going on. open house on saturday. feels good to have a packed schedule that doesn't include studying!
Friday, September 26, 2008
finally promos are over. it was pretty bad actually. think only my maths even has a hope of getting an A. but well, its over. thats the important thing haha. i got a one week break, so gotta find stuff to do.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Today was the last day of lessons before our exam period starts. 2 SPA papers and a GP paper this week, and the rest next week. i can hardly wait to stop this mugging frenzy! my brain's are like threatening to burst. hoping that this 2 weeks zoom by as fast as a F1 racecar. then freedom.
Monday, September 01, 2008
gotta mug
finally did something fun yesterday. after church service, we went to LAN. havent done so for a looong time. and then played table-tennis at david's place before dinner at my grandma's. so yea, yesterday was loads of fun. but i gotta start mugging for my promos haha. starts in less than 3 weeks time. cheers.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
We shall never die
Ever wondered if there is life after death? Come next Sunday for our church service, where we will be having a guest speaker speaking on the topic: 'We Shall Never Die.' Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about Christ and His plan of salvation for You! We are currently worshipping at Hotel Royal@Queens, as our church building is under renovation. here's the link to the road map. the link can be found on our website as well. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
engaging myself in sports really helps keep me fit. doing my own jogging really requires so much mental discipline... and its not nearly enough. looking forward to getting well and playing some soccer.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
national day
went cycling in pasir ris park today with my family. didnt see any crocodiles though. we had breakfast at downtowneast, before going bowling. its probably only the second time in my life that i bowled? haha. but still managed to fish out 3 strikes. argh my right arm's still a bit sore lol... i really need to train my fitness again. i actually got tired just by cycling. plus, i don't think i can do pull-ups anymore :( anyway my dad commented that after watching yesterday's beijing olympics' opening ceremony, today's ndp will be like... no kick? haha probably.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
feeling fab
today was feeling fab day. my events were magic and archery. magic was ok... but there was a 1 hr delay, because the trainers mixed up their dates... so the event was cut short. im waiting for their refund =P. archery was quite interesting. but the initial queuing time was pretty long. anyway, i did a bit of jogging yesterday haha. lasted longer than i expected. but i still gotta do somemore exercise. looking forward to a long national day week-end!
Monday, August 04, 2008
so... I've gone like 3 months without exercise... except maybe running for the bus a few times? =P Haven't been attending training... Think im putting on weight haha. I gotta start doing some running on my own. Probably tomorrow... if i dont back out lol
Friday, August 01, 2008
temporarily moved
looks like renovation works are underway at the church building. yesterday, we started having midweek service at the girl's brigade HQ. On Sunday, we will be having church service in Hotel Royal@Queens.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
back from like my third check-up since my last discharge. and i havent been admitted lol. is that a record? but my platelet count is showing a drop. just been given my second dose of steriods. hope it works. anyway after like 2 months of having itp, i havent done my own research LOL. just did it today. my pw tutor keeps saying we cant state wikipedia as a reference for our research, because it is unreliable, as people can edit the content. but i still use it lol. here's the link if you are interested.
Friday, June 13, 2008
zzZ... cont'd
so i've been here for like week already. the people are back from church camp.. yea.. heard a missed a good one.. ah well what to do... and theres only 1 week of hols left, and mid year exams start right after that... so im a goner. hoping to get out soon. but will still be on medication for quite a while, so yea. hopefully my condition will cure. anyway if you were wondering what my condition is:
What is idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)?
ITP is a blood disorder characterized by an abnormal decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are cells in the blood that help stop bleeding. A decrease in platelets can result in easy bruising, bleeding gums, and internal bleeding.
"Idiopathic" means the cause is unknown.
"Thrombocytopenia" means a decreased number of platelets in the blood.
"Purpura" refers to the purple discoloring of the skin, as with a bruise.
Normal platelet count is in the range of 150,000 to 450,000. With ITP, the platelet count is less than 100,000. The lower the platelet count, the greater the risk of bleeding.
The low number of platelets in ITP occurs when the body's immune system attacks and destroys platelets. The reason for this is not known. People with ITP may have signs of bleeding, such as bruises (purpura) that appear for no reason, or tiny red dots visible on the skin.
What is idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)?
ITP is a blood disorder characterized by an abnormal decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are cells in the blood that help stop bleeding. A decrease in platelets can result in easy bruising, bleeding gums, and internal bleeding.
"Idiopathic" means the cause is unknown.
"Thrombocytopenia" means a decreased number of platelets in the blood.
"Purpura" refers to the purple discoloring of the skin, as with a bruise.
Normal platelet count is in the range of 150,000 to 450,000. With ITP, the platelet count is less than 100,000. The lower the platelet count, the greater the risk of bleeding.
The low number of platelets in ITP occurs when the body's immune system attacks and destroys platelets. The reason for this is not known. People with ITP may have signs of bleeding, such as bruises (purpura) that appear for no reason, or tiny red dots visible on the skin.
Friday, June 06, 2008
right.... i've just been admitted into hospital again.. went for a check-up and found out my platelet count dropped again.. zzZ.. this is ruining all my plans.... supposed to go church camp next week.. sian. hope this problem is not long term... zzZ
Saturday, May 03, 2008
wow the heat was sweltering today. and i spent 4 hours in the morning training in the hot sun... im so tired and burnt. NOTE: please be on your guard when going outdoors. the sun is out to kill.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Evangelism Sunday
this Sunday, 27 April, we will be having a guest speaker to speak on an interesting topic: JESUS, Lord, lunatic, or liar? I encourage you to come and hear more about the word of God. Time: 9.30 at 20 Lim Ah Pin Road. (the church building)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Church of Christ
Please do not ignore this post.
we recently just revamped our website, go check it out. Curious as to who are the churches of Christ? What we believe in? go to to find out more. you can check out our activities and events as well. feel free to msg me or leave a comment if you have any questions.
God Bless!
we recently just revamped our website, go check it out. Curious as to who are the churches of Christ? What we believe in? go to to find out more. you can check out our activities and events as well. feel free to msg me or leave a comment if you have any questions.
God Bless!
Friday, March 07, 2008
sorry for not blogging in february haha. and im so thankful for the March hols. a weeks break from studies. been lagging badly in my tutorials. and its the first time im totally lost in Maths. and theres a class test at the start of term 2... have to really start mugging.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
problem solved
yeah my com has been fixed! and my parents are likely to let me drop chinese. and im probably sticking to my subject comb. haha i feel lighter now. or maybe its because i just ran 10km?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Chinese- D7 - sian. hope they still allow me to drop chinese. i really really dun wish to take chinese anymore...
Computer- crashed - cant even start up now. using my cousin's laptop. means i cant play dota!!! noooo...
Career- fogged - dont even know what subject to take in university. so not sure if i taking right sub comb now. physics or bio? geog or econs???
Computer- crashed - cant even start up now. using my cousin's laptop. means i cant play dota!!! noooo...
Career- fogged - dont even know what subject to take in university. so not sure if i taking right sub comb now. physics or bio? geog or econs???
Saturday, January 05, 2008
vj hockey training is mad! i mean the fitness part. my upper body is still aching... and the coach didnt like my old stick, so he asked me to get a new one... lol... and vj is supposed to have a mass dance at suntec today at around 6. quite cool actually. but dancing is not my thing, and i cant dance in this state of exhaustion anyway. oh well. hope the rest of the year passes smoothly.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
happy new year to everyone! so my first day in jc. spent most of the day doing cheers and stuff. school ended only at 6.30!!! sian. and hockey training has already started... anyway im just so tired. school's starting again in less than 12 hours time...
Monday, December 31, 2007
meeting 2008
the ydp was fun, but comparably depressing, partly due to the passing of bro. Benjamin Tee from a M'sia congregation. May you rest in peace. also the match against jurong congregation. after the close 1-0 win last year, we bounced back to our former glory... with a convincing 6-0 win. but in the end, the Church of Christ wins! lol. sigh. jc life starts on wednesday and im definitely not looking forward to it. anyway, counting down to 2008...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
last days
i'll be leaving tomorrow night for China on holiday. will be back on the wee hours of 22 dec (sat). then will be leaving again on monday for the youth camp in malaysia for 4 days. so i wont be around for quite some time. then starting jc life! sian so fast. anyway my next post will probably be my last. so cya.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
so today, i have just finally finished my o' levels really. i feel so free. after the paper, i went to play pool, then cs until shiok. tomorrow i'll be playing soccer, and maybe more cs. and more activities this week for me! haha. now i need to start getting rid of my textbooks. where did i put the dustbin?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
post o level
today i really played until very shiok. played street soccer with my classmates in the morning. we went to this place with indoor cages. real cool. after that, ate at a kfc that still has free flow drinks! we then rounded off by playing pool.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
O' Levels
o' levels are just round the corner. i mean... on monday! what does that mean? it means its going to end soon! :P
~be optimistic~
~be optimistic~
Friday, September 14, 2007
Libera really rocks. they were once the st philips boy choir. i have posted a video below. enjoy.
end of prelim
and the title sums it up. its the end of prelim!!! so its time to mug for o levels -_- i meant after a bit of a break :)
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
youth outreach 2007
theres a youth outreach seminar this saturday at 3 pm, at the Church of Christ. u can get the map at the website Do come and learn about God's Word!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
hi, im back temporarily. so sorry to all of you who missed me. anyway, just finished the first half of my prelim before the september break. (sigh of relief) so im taking a little break now.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
nxt week is already the start of semester, and exams are going on already. i wont be blogging much after this post. nothing much anyway, except that i gotta mug till O levels. cant wait for o levels to finish :) (its a pretty long way dude)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
empty feelings
so im back from june camp. and the thought of having to mug now makes me miss the camp even more. really looking forward to the next one.
Friday, June 01, 2007
church camp!
yeah church camp next week! finally its coming. so i won't be around next week. will be having a real fun time :)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
term 2 week 10
this week was quite a complete waste of time. the chinese students are having their intensive mother tongue revision for their mother tongue o' levels nxt week. and we higher mother tongue students have intensive chinese too?? we like just slack in class while the teacher tries to make us do work. for the whole week. boring.
Friday, May 18, 2007
exams over
so exams are now officially over haha. for this term. so im slacking for the time being, before i mug for o' levels. enjoy first haha :P
Thursday, May 17, 2007
yeah just finished geog exam today. so relieved. there's just left one last paper tomorrow. and its emath. so im already slacking! and i can finally go play soccer. think i put on weight already lol.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
its labour day! the day for labouring, at least for me lol. while everyone is watching spiderman 3, im stuck at home. sigh.
Friday, April 27, 2007
yay! got gold for NAPFA test! coz i managed to clinch a C for my pull-ups and standing broad jump. haha :)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Pay And Pay
a lot of buzz has been going on lately. with the new minister pay riSE. also another issue on the GST riSE. the GST rise is to help boost the economy. or something like that. but at the same time, they're increasing the minister's pay??? i mean, i never agreed on the bench-marking process with the private sector anyway. it doesnt make sense, nor is it fair. their salaries are based on what other people earn?? does that mean my dad should get a pay rise too, since other engineers earn more than him? with the ministers earning 2-3 million a year, we have to earn 1 million a year to be in the middle-income group? lol.
links to petition( got it from a friend haha)'
links to petition( got it from a friend haha)'
Friday, April 13, 2007
fri 13
havent posted 4 quite a while haha. wasnt really eventful today. ran my 2.4. fortunately nothing bad has happened. actually looking forward to the weekend.
Friday, March 02, 2007
term 1 week 9
this week passed has gone. had chem, phy and bio SPAs this week. pretty scary. phy and chem were really easy. but bio was a real flop. i knew it before i even took it. coz the other classes said so. anyway its over. one more week of term one left. looking forward to this weekend. ok to tonite.
Friday, February 02, 2007
haha, three periods of geog spent in com lab. and while bala's droning on about ecotourism, im writing this post. haha. anyway, no homework so far, yes! free weekend. not including the hockey match on sunday. so more time for dota :)
Saturday, January 27, 2007
it has been the most depressing week. my birthday hasnt been really fantastic, and i have been feeling a bit sick for the whole week, coughing and feeling feverish. i couldn't go to midweek service because of that. and on friday night, i installed the wc3 1.21 patch. but i found out i couldn't install the crack. so now i cant even play dota at home... today, got flag day in the morning. we all met at tampines, only to find out it was in pasir ris... so i wasted 90cents travelling to and fro. then while lan gaming, i lost my hp. sian tiao. then i rushed off to a hockey match. we disappointed our coach by winning evergreen by only 1-0. he even scolded us f***. and he told us to run around the school field on monday, for 1.5 hours non-stop, take a 10 min break, than do 500 passing of the ball, 500 hitting and stopping. yup, he said that. that means 2.15 to 7.00. if we're not there, we're out of the team. to tell you the truth, the whole team's not gonna be there. i think. and now im back home, feeling really worn out and sorry for myself. oh, and there's bible class tomorrow to look forward to. listening to uncle tnseng gettting my name and ser ern's confused. this is getting really irritating.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
20 Jan
so gd, very little homework this weekend. but i have to go for a hockey match on my day :( anyway nuthin to do at home. i wanted to try score some goals to celebrate today. ah but i couldn't. anyway, after missing weeks of soccer because of hockey, i can finally go tomorrow :)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
into the third week of school and im laden with homework. what with all my trainings, especially with the competitions for both floorball and hockey coming up. cant wait for april, when ccas for us sec 4s will stop. (but thats because we have to study for o' levels...) and i still have to study for tomorrow's revision test.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Thursday, December 28, 2006
conclusion of the whole matter
this would probably be my last post of year 2006. the holidays are creeping to a close... and its no comfort that im resuming hockey training, after being overseas two times in a row. but the bangkok trip wasnt bad... better than i expected. i probably did more shopping during the trip than the 15 years of my life. lol i generally dont shop much.
then the ydp in malaysia. it was really fun. i mean, no matter the place, the fellowship is priceless. it made up for the lousy campsite and tedious 10 hour bus journey to and fro.
and i've still not enough of dota... haha just started after my sec 3 exams were over. thats two months. and i visited a lan shop for the first time. yeah.
i've still not gotten into my head that its my o'level year.
then the ydp in malaysia. it was really fun. i mean, no matter the place, the fellowship is priceless. it made up for the lousy campsite and tedious 10 hour bus journey to and fro.
and i've still not enough of dota... haha just started after my sec 3 exams were over. thats two months. and i visited a lan shop for the first time. yeah.
i've still not gotten into my head that its my o'level year.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
holiday homework
(argumentative essay)
Many children everywhere find the thought of holiday homework disgusting, if not traumatising. just when the heavy burden of exams has been lifted, with the long well-deserved school vacation drawing near, holiday homework enters.
Sure, they say that two months is more than enough time to complete the homework, which is needed to keep our minds fresh, but have you seen the piles of homeworks they assigned??? (for those who beg to differ, pls keep your comments to yourself) Together with all the cca practice, there is little time left for personal and social commitments.
What is the defination of holiday? A break from work. A time for recreation and entertainment. hmmm, i dont think normal people would consider extra homework as recreation... i do hope teachers are given enough leaves...
You might have guessed that i have not finished my holiday homework. WRONG! just kidding. well, u cant blame me. im still struggling with the long list of maths questions. and what with my overseas trips coming up...
Many children everywhere find the thought of holiday homework disgusting, if not traumatising. just when the heavy burden of exams has been lifted, with the long well-deserved school vacation drawing near, holiday homework enters.
Sure, they say that two months is more than enough time to complete the homework, which is needed to keep our minds fresh, but have you seen the piles of homeworks they assigned??? (for those who beg to differ, pls keep your comments to yourself) Together with all the cca practice, there is little time left for personal and social commitments.
What is the defination of holiday? A break from work. A time for recreation and entertainment. hmmm, i dont think normal people would consider extra homework as recreation... i do hope teachers are given enough leaves...
You might have guessed that i have not finished my holiday homework. WRONG! just kidding. well, u cant blame me. im still struggling with the long list of maths questions. and what with my overseas trips coming up...
Saturday, November 11, 2006
malaysia trip
have a hockey trip to malaysia from 14 to 21 nov. 8 days. abit long huh? that means i wont be around next sunday. most of the time, we'll be travelling and training. yeah probably a bit of free time too. we'll be passing KL, spending a few days in penang, and ipoh on sunday. thought of visiting the ipoh church of christ, but it'll be too late by the time we reach. this hols will be kinda packed with overseas trips. i still got a trip to bangkok, and the ydp in malaysia right after. haha sounds kinda fun.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Tomorrow Never Dies 
Tomorrow Never Dies;
Don’t believe it; that’s a lie.
Who knows? Before it strikes nine,
You may be next in the line.
Tomorrow Never Dies,
The devil says, you’ll be fine,
Be merry and drink the wine,
For tomorrow the sun will shine.
Tomorrow You May Die,
The devils says, waste no time,
Enjoy the pleasures of this life,
For the pleasures are all mine.
If Tomorrow Never Dies,
Why be in church on time?
Why not sleep till nine?
Why worry about the next life?
But Tomorrow Someone Will Die,
And it could be you or I,
Let’s keep watch our time,
And be ready for the next life.
If Tomorrow Really Never Dies,
Those people would still be alive,
Who took the plane that dived,
Yea, they had no time to cry.
What If Tomorrow Never Dies?
Let’s thank God for the new sunshine,
Let’s thank God that we are still alive,
Let’s be thankful that all is fine.
Tomorrow May Never Die,
But may not be for you and I,
Seek God while there is time,
Or in hell, we’ll be fried.
When Tomorrow Never Dies,
Thank God for a wonderful wife,
Thank God for this family of mine,
Thank God we’ll be in church on time.
Someday, Tomorrow Will Die,
When Jesus appears the second time,
When we will meet in the sky,
And bid this life goodbye.
When Tomorrow Dies,
The scripture says in this wise,
The soul that sinneth shall surely die,
For the fire is the price.
Yet When Tomorrow Dies,
The saints will be alive,
Because in eternal life,
Their souls never die.
By Jimmy Lau

Tomorrow Never Dies;
Don’t believe it; that’s a lie.
Who knows? Before it strikes nine,
You may be next in the line.
Tomorrow Never Dies,
The devil says, you’ll be fine,
Be merry and drink the wine,
For tomorrow the sun will shine.
Tomorrow You May Die,
The devils says, waste no time,
Enjoy the pleasures of this life,
For the pleasures are all mine.
If Tomorrow Never Dies,
Why be in church on time?
Why not sleep till nine?
Why worry about the next life?
But Tomorrow Someone Will Die,
And it could be you or I,
Let’s keep watch our time,
And be ready for the next life.
If Tomorrow Really Never Dies,
Those people would still be alive,
Who took the plane that dived,
Yea, they had no time to cry.
What If Tomorrow Never Dies?
Let’s thank God for the new sunshine,
Let’s thank God that we are still alive,
Let’s be thankful that all is fine.
Tomorrow May Never Die,
But may not be for you and I,
Seek God while there is time,
Or in hell, we’ll be fried.
When Tomorrow Never Dies,
Thank God for a wonderful wife,
Thank God for this family of mine,
Thank God we’ll be in church on time.
Someday, Tomorrow Will Die,
When Jesus appears the second time,
When we will meet in the sky,
And bid this life goodbye.
When Tomorrow Dies,
The scripture says in this wise,
The soul that sinneth shall surely die,
For the fire is the price.
Yet When Tomorrow Dies,
The saints will be alive,
Because in eternal life,
Their souls never die.
By Jimmy Lau
Friday, October 13, 2006
friday 13
it was a perfectly normal day when i woke up. after breakfast, i sent a birthday card to timmy. and i realized it was friday 13. haha kinda sad for timmy. but i didn know i was goin to feel sad for myself really soon.
then i left the house to play soccer with my friends. i realized i had forgotten to change to my old spectacles. but i was too lazy to get back in. WRONG DECISION!
caught the bus in the nick of time. so lucky. at our destination, 13 people turned up. better than i expected. we found a street soccer court in marine parade and started playing. i was dribbling, scoring goals, having fun. then, it happened. the ball somehow hit my spectacles. and it BROKE. ARRGGHHH NOOOOO! i mean i still can see without my specs, but my parents are going to KILL me... arghh...
i could have got back in the house to change specs, but i didnt. i could have taken out my specs before i played. but i didnt. foolish decisions accumulated to form this disaster. i just hope they'll still let me play football on sunday.
friday 13...
then i left the house to play soccer with my friends. i realized i had forgotten to change to my old spectacles. but i was too lazy to get back in. WRONG DECISION!
caught the bus in the nick of time. so lucky. at our destination, 13 people turned up. better than i expected. we found a street soccer court in marine parade and started playing. i was dribbling, scoring goals, having fun. then, it happened. the ball somehow hit my spectacles. and it BROKE. ARRGGHHH NOOOOO! i mean i still can see without my specs, but my parents are going to KILL me... arghh...
i could have got back in the house to change specs, but i didnt. i could have taken out my specs before i played. but i didnt. foolish decisions accumulated to form this disaster. i just hope they'll still let me play football on sunday.
friday 13...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
exams are over!!
FINALLY!! exams are over. another year draws to a close, and the two-month vacation approaches. but i still have chi o'level on 30 oct! and hockey trainings will resume shortly.. sigh. anyway, i shall settle down to this 5-day weekend (so sad, doesnt include marking day). there will be soccer, computer, reading... ahhh i forgot holiday homework...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
its been a good weekend. played soccer in east coast park for p.e on friday. had youth outreach on sat. played soccer with church frens after church service on sunday. but 2 more weeks to final year exams!! i really need to start seriously revising. so expect my next post on 12 oct.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
youth outreach
ever wondered what the bible is all about? cant figure out why Jesus Christ died on the cross and who is he anyway??
find out at Lim Ah Pin (LAP) Church of Christ's youth outreach!
what is it all about?
its an event where two of our youth will give a sermon, there will be singing, and tea.
date: 16 sept 2006 (this sat)
time: 2.00 pm
venue: lim ah pin church of christ building.
free parking, free seating, free lesson, free food!
you can also visit us for sunday worship services or thursday bible classes. visit our website at
heaven is eternal, so is hell. make the right choice.
find out at Lim Ah Pin (LAP) Church of Christ's youth outreach!
what is it all about?
its an event where two of our youth will give a sermon, there will be singing, and tea.
date: 16 sept 2006 (this sat)
time: 2.00 pm
venue: lim ah pin church of christ building.
free parking, free seating, free lesson, free food!
you can also visit us for sunday worship services or thursday bible classes. visit our website at
heaven is eternal, so is hell. make the right choice.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
national day week

today was our school's annual cross country meet. the whole school had to meet at macritchie reservoir in the morning. as usual, the competitors from each house had to run the 4.8 km route. but this year, there was a new event. the mass run! it means every one else not competing had to run too. haha. well, at 11.00, it was over and after the school anthem, we went home. no school. yeah.
tuesday - 08.08.2006 (pre national day half-day)
had national day celebrations in school. nothing much. it was actually quite boring. i wont waste effort describing it. only good thing is school ended at 10.30.
wednesday - 09.08.2006 (national day holiday)
had a bible quiz in the morning. we had to complete a number of interesting activities. well, although we (teenagers class) did not win, but we beat young adults class... again! after lunch, we boys went to play soccer. rested in the afternoon. then watched the national day parade on tv.
thursday - 10.08.2006 (post national day holiday)
haha, must thank all the students who performed at ndp. if not, there wont be a holiday today! haha, but its quite an uneventful day. finishing up my homework, played monopoly with my sisters. and i won! .... as usual. haha. and attended mid-week church service in the evening.
friday - 11.08.2006
and the long national day week draws to a close, and school reopens. haha, only for one day this week. and i did not miss pe lesson! we got to play one hour of soccer. and the rest is back to normal.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
one busy weekend
this has been quite an eventful weekend. saturday morning, had soccer with my fellow christians. we played against a bunch of jc guys who were there, and we won 3-1! haha, so fun. i scored 2 goals and timmy scored one. right after that, left for a floorball match, which we lost. oh never mind the scoreline. in the evening, we went for a home zone meeting at uncle charlie's place. we sang hymns, had a short bible session, played with cousins dexter and clara, and ate.
today, had church service in the morning. haha, cousin berty came too! (because my auntie was babysitting him while his parents were abroad, so she brought him to church). and there was also a birthday cake. in the afternoon, went for a hockey match. quite an exciting game. we lost 4-3. each side took turns scoring goals. and that just sums up my weekend.
today, had church service in the morning. haha, cousin berty came too! (because my auntie was babysitting him while his parents were abroad, so she brought him to church). and there was also a birthday cake. in the afternoon, went for a hockey match. quite an exciting game. we lost 4-3. each side took turns scoring goals. and that just sums up my weekend.
Monday, July 03, 2006
man, o level chi oral is in 3 days, and im struggling with a fever and sore throat since yesterday. i had to spent 2 hours in the polyclinic just to see the docter for 5 minutes and get medicine. but i felt better as the day progressed, thanks to paracetamol (panadol) + perspiring the heat out. but this morning, i felt unwell again. sigh.
and england disappointed me again by losing to portugal in penalties. (disappointing, but not surprising). portugal's keeper ricardo was superb, saving 4 of 5 penalty shots. robinson didnt even know which way to dive.
but france won brazil! thanks to by zidane and henry. woohoo. the samba boys are taking the early flight home. france all the way!
and england disappointed me again by losing to portugal in penalties. (disappointing, but not surprising). portugal's keeper ricardo was superb, saving 4 of 5 penalty shots. robinson didnt even know which way to dive.
but france won brazil! thanks to by zidane and henry. woohoo. the samba boys are taking the early flight home. france all the way!
Friday, June 23, 2006
church camp.
ok, back from church camp. the camp was at sebana cove resort. we travelled there by ferry. it was a really nice place with good facilities. we had bible classes by the guest speaker chris herd, singing, organized games. haha, during free time, we played ps2, street soccer, water polo, billiard. and we spent the nights playing cards, murderer, taboo... man, it was total fun. the fellowship with each other was fabulous. i seriously miss the camp. and thanks to God for blessing us with wonderful weather and safe journey. really looking forward to the next camp.

Thursday, June 15, 2006
june hols
wah... almost everyday got hockey training, since the first week. 2nd week U-15 competition started. if you're sharp enough, you can spot the results on the newspaper. our team comes under SCC. nows the 3rd week, and our last match is today! its against RI (ORA). haha, yesterday we played against SCC-SJI. but our team only had 10 men. short of one player. end result: we thrashed them 4-0. woohoo. after today's match, i can start relaxing... plus, church camp starts next monday! really really looking forward.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
arts day
my school had a arts day yesterday. so for the whole day, we went around the school to various stations to view different interesting items. my first item was a review of short films in the auditorium created by a director called royston tan. one of his films was starring patrick khoo (a.k.a mr. careless whisperer). and he even brought patrick along! haha, its like so cool, and we all thought royston was just joking. then patrick did a little performance. he really sings so softly, even with a mic. well, it was not too bad. but dont be mistaken, i've never watched singapore or american idol before. then later, we watched a european martial arts performance. the guys showed us the different moves and weaponry. it was cool. after an hour of recess, the day rounded up with a jazz performance. haha, this year's arts day was better than i thought.
Friday, May 12, 2006
champions league final
watched the champions league final this morning, arsenal vs barcelona.

the main stars:
i think it was quite a good match. arsenal fought well, although they were down to 10 men in the first few minutes, when their keeper, jens lehmann got sent off. the gunners even managed to score a goal, and kept the score at 1-0 all the way to the second half. unfortunately, the galacticos finally managed to breach through arsenal's defense, and scored twice, making the final score 2-1 to barcelona. but the 'main stars' were not really performing as well as i had hoped, being unable to score any goals. but i'll like to commend on the gunner's good effort and ability to maintain their defense even with 1 less man. i believe arsenal can continue to excel and soar to greater heights.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
exams are over!
And the exams has come to a close. but it did not have the finale that i wanted. the physics paper today was seriously difficult! anyway, lets forget about it and enjoy my 5 day weekend. plus, next thursday is also a holiday for me. its supposed to be a make up for polling day falling on a saturday. haha.
And that means i can watch the champions league final on wednesday without waking up early on thursday for school. arsenal vs barcelona! arsenal already secured 4th position in the premiership. but still possible to win this match, of course. yeah, arsenal rocks!
And that means i can watch the champions league final on wednesday without waking up early on thursday for school. arsenal vs barcelona! arsenal already secured 4th position in the premiership. but still possible to win this match, of course. yeah, arsenal rocks!

Friday, May 05, 2006
mid yr exams
midyrs has finally arrived! hope they will just pass like the wind.. haha. english and bio papers were today. ok, they were not bad. nxt thurs last paper. then 4 day weekend!
oh, my form teacher showed us a really funny audio. its about the james gomez saga.
click here. enjoy.
oh, my form teacher showed us a really funny audio. its about the james gomez saga.
click here. enjoy.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
national b' div floorball championships
And so our floorball tournament has finally drawn to a close. after having played about 8 matches over a period of 3 weeks, we emerged as the 2nd runner up. yes, another bronze medal for my collection, haha.
qualifiying rounds-
- ping yi 2-2
- northbrooks 2-0
- canberra 4-0
- yio chu kang 3-1
- yu hua 2-1
2nd round -
- presbyterian high 4-0
- bukit merah 1-11
- northland 0-3
3rd and 4th placing final-
- st gabriels 1-0
qualifiying rounds-
- ping yi 2-2
- northbrooks 2-0
- canberra 4-0
- yio chu kang 3-1
- yu hua 2-1
2nd round -
- presbyterian high 4-0
- bukit merah 1-11
- northland 0-3
3rd and 4th placing final-
- st gabriels 1-0
Monday, March 27, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
back from camp!
finally, im back in s'pore. after having to cramp in tents at night, queue up for showers at lousy toilets made of bamboo, eat organic rice three meals a day, its seriously good to be back home. most of our activities were water-based, right at the padi fields. (and thank goodness they did not have any leeches.) we did rafting, trekking, water obstacles etc. ok, it wasn't that bad. but every evening, we were under attack by swarms of mosquitos. its really a miracle i did not obtain mosquito bites. haha, and its like the most enjoyable part of the camp was the bus rides.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
sec 3 overseas camp

so, tomorrow i will be leaving for the 'victoria school secondary 3 overseas adventure camp 2006'. the venue is the Kahang Organic Rice Eco Farm (KOREF), located in Kluang district, Johor. so that means i wont be in S'pore from wed till sat. i will be camping in tents in the hot sun (it had better be hot, not flooded!), swamping in muddy rivers, etc. and to think im actually looking forward to it? [slapping myself]
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
assembly today
a buzz fill the school hall as victorians filled in. as usual, the national anthem was played by our very own concert band and we recited the pledge. except that today, the lights were out. blown. spoiled. the prefect stepped on the stage. "sports results 2006. yesterday, the vs B' division hockey team played against jurongville secondary, and won 4-0." "WOOO" [applause].
Friday, February 10, 2006
the invitation
hello. i am a christian from the Church of Christ. the venue of our church premises is at lim ah pin road. i am inviting everybody who reads this blog to come to visit. for more details, you can visit our church website at you can also ask me anything to clarify any questions you have.
Hear you not the earnest pleadings Of your friends that wish thou well?
And perhaps before tommorow You'll be called to meet your God.
Careless soul, O heed the warning,
For your life will soon be gone; O how sad to face the judgement,
Unprepared to meet thy God.
will you come?
Hear you not the earnest pleadings Of your friends that wish thou well?
And perhaps before tommorow You'll be called to meet your God.
Careless soul, O heed the warning,
For your life will soon be gone; O how sad to face the judgement,
Unprepared to meet thy God.
will you come?
Friday, February 03, 2006
no.. CNY holidays are over...
hello, i know its a bit late, but happy lunar new year to everyone! especially to those PSLE students... its their year of the dog!
haha, there was a nice long four-day weekend, lots of hongbaos, but most importantly, meeting up with friends and cousins. but doesnt the chinese new year seem to pass by faster and faster each year? sigh..
haha, there was a nice long four-day weekend, lots of hongbaos, but most importantly, meeting up with friends and cousins. but doesnt the chinese new year seem to pass by faster and faster each year? sigh..
Friday, January 20, 2006
the english teacher 2
haha.. now im gonna talk about my new english teacher. her name's mdm tazleen.. shes cross cultural.. i think shes both malay and chinese. she speaks very well.. and shes ultra lively, much better than my previous teacher. so lively, that i think if she didn sprain her leg, we wouldn be able to stand her.. haha. and now shes teaching on composition skills, using dialogue, vivid description on people, places... blah blah. its all so repetitive, all the answers for the three worksheets so far are all the same... well, now im certainly putting these skills into good use... on her... ... she is very friendly, and makes a very mentionable effort to remember all our names... problem is, she has an extremely lousy memory... well, after she asked me to collect last week's worksheets, everyone has been calling the EL rep... man...
Thursday, January 19, 2006
my bio teacher
man.. thursdays are like my science day. triple bio, double chem, double phy all in one day! never mind.. i would like to intro my bio teacher. i cant remember his full indian name, but we call him mr. gabriel. he speaks very good english, likes to use bombastic words, is about 1.8 metre tall, slim.. blah blah blah. and he likes drawing diagrams. for the first lesson, all he did was drew an animal cell and elaborated on it with a lot of details. plus a lot of stuff he said only taught in A levels..uh huh.. and second lesson, he did the same with plant cell. i think the only reason he taught bio was that he could use more bombastic words..haha... whoa, and he gave us a spring test today.. oh, and he taught us the longest medical word (well he said it was) : pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovocanoconiosis.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
had first p.e. lesson of the year yesterday... took my height and weight.. man still 157.. dont noe whether he measure correctly.. haha.. and my weight is... ... did u really think i'll say it?
then run 2.4.. had hockey later.. run 5 rounds around the school.. man my legs still ache.. haha
then run 2.4.. had hockey later.. run 5 rounds around the school.. man my legs still ache.. haha